Smartasses of the world unite!!

Generally a smartass and believer in the Twainism that Against the assualt of laughter, nothing can stand. Mission: mock bigotry, narcisism, and ignorance. This is a collection of thoughts on baseball, politics, economics, and occasional other things.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mitt Romney isn't a bad guy......he's just a dick

Mitt Romney is a dick. That sounds like an insult, but it's not supposed to be. If it is, I guess I'm a dick too. But really, we all know people, and are even friends with some, who are just dickheads. Hell, some of us are even related to dicks. It's funny. Most people who are dicks, know they're dicks. They know they're dicks, and they know you know they're dicks, and life goes on. So, really, it's ok to be a dick. If that's who you are - be a dick.

Mitt said (among other things) referring to the 47% who don't pay Federal income taxes: “My job is not to worry about those people, I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.” This was said in reference  to the "47% of Americans who pay no income tax. First off this is an accurate statistic. 47% of Americans, after deductions like mortgage interest, dependents, earned income credits, etcetera have their effective tax rate set to 0%, and get a refund from the IRS of all the Federal taxes withheld from their paychecks.

So when asked about his taxes earlier Mitt replied that he pays the legally required amount, and nothing more. But when someone in the middle class, and lower middle class does that - they're "dependent on government," and a mooch. Fuck you Mitt.
53.6% after deductions, and what not have a Federal tax burden north of 0%, and pay payroll taxes.
28.3% after deductions have a Federal tax burden of 0%, but still pay payroll taxes. Moochers.
10.9% are elderly and retired. They don't work. That's the whole idea of retired right? - so they don't pay Federal income tax, or payroll taxes.
6.9% are non-elderly with income beneath $20,000 - you know the working poor. That's "working" poor. So they work, but because they make squat they're still a leech in Mitt's eyes.
If you're following along with the math, that leaves 0.3% that don't work, or who are not retired.

So, if you work for a living, own a home, have kids and pay your bills, and at the end of the year you file your taxes and you get it all back - congratulations! You are dependent on government!

Mitt Romney - what a dick!

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