Smartasses of the world unite!!

Generally a smartass and believer in the Twainism that Against the assualt of laughter, nothing can stand. Mission: mock bigotry, narcisism, and ignorance. This is a collection of thoughts on baseball, politics, economics, and occasional other things.

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Monday, November 3, 2014

I hope the GOP wins this Tuesday.

Tomorrow, November 4th, the GOP should win control of the Senate. They will probably win the Governorship of my state, Wisconsin, as well. That's all well and good.

They deserve to win. The Democrats (and while I am a progressive, or a liberal, I am not a Democrat) can't seem to run on any accomplishments. They pass Obamacare, and run from it even when it does the things they said it would do, and even though the things it does people wanted to be done. The GOP just brands stuff, and it sticks, and people vote brands. Like elections are the same as laundry soap. The GOP filibusters everything - EVERYTHING. Nothing gets done, and the Democrats can't even put together a message to say that. Well, fuck it. Lose then. Even if the Democrats manage to hang on to the Senate, it's gridlock till 2016 anyway. Fuck it - give the pyros the zippo.

I've come to the conclusion that there will be no change to the political climate in DC until there is a political reset brought on by economic cataclysm of Great Depression scale. Partisans are locked into their team. The red team/blue team debate is all the mainstream media covers - like it's the next big game. There's no context. There's no objectivity. Red team regurgitates their talking points. Blue team pukes out theirs. "I guess we'll leave it there" is how the "journalists" leave it.

Elections are gerrymandered so that partisans control their districts so much so that competitive elections are largely a thing of the past. The result is that nobody even remotely in the middle gets elected. Republicans run on small government, and how they'll shrink it. They get elected and don't. Democrats run on ethical government and transparency. They get elected and don't. I'm of the opinion that the swamp must be drained, but not by whomever wins the next election. Whomever wins next is part of the same swamp.

So fuck it. Republicans, I hope you win. I hope you get to pass your agenda of tax cuts and laissez faire economics. And just like the past when markets are completely unfettered, and there's a crash at the end. There always is. There's the reset. Just like 1932 the swamp will be drained when the supply side emperor is revealed to have no clothes. Supply side doesn't work. It never has. There is no trickle down. Sure, it sounds good. "Keep taxes at the top low, and the result will be growth in jobs, wages for everyone." Common sense right? Except it doesn't happen that way. Try this common sense; if you get a tax cut you keep it. That's what happens. Since Reagan we've been in this state. "DUHHH - trickle down. We'll all do better because the "job creators will have more money to job create wit." Have middle class wages and salaries kept pace. Ummmm - fuck no they haven't. So when it all crashes the people who "kinda thought it made sense" will see it's bullshit. The people who knew it was bullshit, they won't need to go into the kind of explanation that rolls back the typical voters eyes. They can just say - "See?"

So it's coming. Put your money in a safe place. They're gonna fuck it up - again. They always do.