Smartasses of the world unite!!

Generally a smartass and believer in the Twainism that Against the assualt of laughter, nothing can stand. Mission: mock bigotry, narcisism, and ignorance. This is a collection of thoughts on baseball, politics, economics, and occasional other things.

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Monday, February 17, 2014

Why blog?

Why blog?

Many have asked, been asked, and have given or received any variation of answers.

It's not philosophical. "I blog. Therefore I am.

We blog for many reason. Among them are career. We blog to build follow-ship so we may show publishers that people like what we write when the time comes to show them why our book is worth printing. We blog to build traffic so that advertisers see up as a good spot to put cyber billboards on the information superhighway.

We blog for ego. We have an opinion, and it's really cool, and valuable. We came to it over much thought, or it incubated in our brains' subconscious till it burst out in an "Aha!!!!" It's so awesome we have to share our revelation to everyone.

We blog because we have a story to tell, and all the mental noise from randomness that our brains generate as we flutter to and from idea - to idea - to distraction - back to idea, and following the distraction must be reconciled, and put somewhere in the event we need to come back to it. Because while it seems silly on its own, it might be a part of a puzzle that will assemble into something really cool.

We blog for community because we know others like us are out there reading silly things in the ether, and the identification every person needs on some level. "Hey, I was thinking of that too!" or "Shit! I was thinking of that, and someone else wrote it first."

We blog for self-esteem. If we didn't blog, we'd keep a journal, or diary. Blogging is cooler on some level than journaling.

We blog because we see the worlds' events, and ego says we need to share our perspective so that minds may change, and we can advance the way we see things. And even though friends from time to time think we're full of shit we need to speak up.

We blog because we just discovered this really cool idea, and need to share this discovery.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely said, Dave. "We blog for self-esteem." I wasn't aware of this when I started, but I've received a nice lift since I started writing for the world to critique. They're not the sharks I thought they'd be.

    Good work!
