Smartasses of the world unite!!

Generally a smartass and believer in the Twainism that Against the assualt of laughter, nothing can stand. Mission: mock bigotry, narcisism, and ignorance. This is a collection of thoughts on baseball, politics, economics, and occasional other things.

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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Day 1 - post 1. Nobody will read this.

It is July 5th. I have chicken in the oven, and iTunes is being a little bitch.

One of the things you do when you go through a divorce is reflect on things you didn't do - either in the context of the marriage, or in your own personal context. In other words personal things you put to the side because they were only for you, and not for the other person. Some may say that putting yourself to the side is on way to fail - you lose yourself. That's true to a degree, but on the other hand - aren't you supposed to be one of a pair, and your own personal wants and needs must be secondary? Who knows. All that really mattered from the second we decided to split, was becoming the person you want to be. Both as a newly single person, and as a former partner in context of your relations with marital friends, and in-laws, and especially (in my case) as a father.

I always wanted to be a writer. I guess it's ironic to a degree that I never pursued that either as a college student (majored in Psych, and minored in Marketing, and History). I spent 5 years after college trying to break into a career as a stand up. The best part was not the performing, although that got a pretty good high. The best part was coming up with a new bit - the writing. Sometimes it flowed like you were channeling. Other times you kicked against a wall, until you broke through to something good. I can't say which was a better feeling.

So here I am - starting a blog.

I stumbled upon bloggins in 2002. Being politically curious, and active - the web was a pretty cool, new thing at that time. Blogs at the time that I followed - Daily Kos, CalPundit, Atrios showed the power of instantly updating information, and the power of the link. Not only the story was in front of you, but the supporting material as well. Awesome! I don't know what my goal with this is. It'd be pretty cool to get something well read, and respected.

Here goes......

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