Smartasses of the world unite!!

Generally a smartass and believer in the Twainism that Against the assualt of laughter, nothing can stand. Mission: mock bigotry, narcisism, and ignorance. This is a collection of thoughts on baseball, politics, economics, and occasional other things.

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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I call Bullshit


No. Really!??!?!?!?

OK, but.......c'mon.....

Yes, the election is over, and GOP pretty much got ass-stomped. Were it not for gerrymandered House districts, and Wisconsin seats the ass kicking would have been more thorough. So, while they SAY they're top priority is jobs and employment, their actions speak louder than words. I call bullshit.

They can't win elections, so they have to keep people that vote for the other side from voting. Which is why State Senator Fitzgerald's top priority is making the Government Accountability Board a body that will be stocked by political appointees, because - y'know - political appointees are always neutral, and more even keeled in their decisions. Never feel compelled to decide in favor of the ones who put them into the job - right??? Really?!?!?!?! I call double bullshit.

They can't win elections so of course the wrong people are voting. That's why Kleefisch and Darling have led off with ending same day registration. Never mind it's been Wisconsin state law for- e- ver. Never mind that people move frequently these days. People like college students, and people who move because of  - y'know - having to change jobs because the GOP is working so hard making jobs a priority. I call bullshit again.

During the campaign all we heard the GOP say was the polls were skewed, except the final votes pretty much lined up with the polls. And you have to credit them for recognizing that reality, like the polls, were biased against them.

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