Smartasses of the world unite!!

Generally a smartass and believer in the Twainism that Against the assualt of laughter, nothing can stand. Mission: mock bigotry, narcisism, and ignorance. This is a collection of thoughts on baseball, politics, economics, and occasional other things.

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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Couple things....

OK, couple things that are on my mind, and I really need to get it out.

Redskins; racist slur, and terrible choice for a nickname. It doesn't honor Native Americans. Braves, and Warriors, are commonly understood to be names based on titles given to those that fought for their people. Chiefs is pretty well established to refer to the leaders. Indians is pretty benign, and like Vikings or Spartans is a group of people. They're all OK, but "redskins" is a slur. I know about Coach Deitz. I know the Redskins were the Braves in 1932. I know George Allen, when he was coach commissioned a group of Native Americans, and that group said the nickname was fine. Imagine that, a group created by the then coach liked the nickname. Wow! What a surprise.

It's simple; go into any Native American run casino, and call everyone there "redskin." If you don't get your ass kicked, then "redskin" is probably not a slur. It's not about "context." Context is an excuse, that does not apply to any other slur.

Tea-party bullshit; if you don't think the government is good for anything, then you can't complain about it being shut down.

The whole thing is ridiculous. The "Don't Tread On Me" flag is misused. War for Independence was not about taxes, it was about taxation without representation, which you have. I know because I see the mouth breathers you've elected to Congress. The Confederate Battle Flag is also being bandied about at Tea Party rallied, and is also out of place. It's not about "States rights," (and neither was the Civil War unless you want to stipulate that the only state right they were concerned about was slavery).  It's not about government debt either, because you didn't say boo when the deficit exploded under W. And, no, saying W was not a "true conservative" does not re-establish cred to the conservative brand. You dummies loved everything he did for eight years.

Oh yeah, and if government is bad, why do you want to blame the shutdown on Democrats? If government is bad, then logically a shutdown of a bad thing would be good. It would seem to me that you should be taking credit for it.

Lastly Obamacare - Constitutional. Sorry. Passed by the House, and the Senate, signed by the President, upheld by the Supreme Court. That's about as Constitutional as it gets. If conservatives were smart they'd take credit for the whole thing anyway. It's an idea out of the conservative Heritage Foundation. It was implemented by GOP Governor Romney (remember him!?)

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