Smartasses of the world unite!!

Generally a smartass and believer in the Twainism that Against the assualt of laughter, nothing can stand. Mission: mock bigotry, narcisism, and ignorance. This is a collection of thoughts on baseball, politics, economics, and occasional other things.

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

This just in - Matthew McConaughey is good.

This just in; Matthew McCounaughey has 180'd his career from the early 2000s. It's stunning how good he actually is.

Usually I try not to follow TV series. I don't say that because I don't watch TV, or look down objectionably on TV. There's actually a lot of good content on TV. Generally when I am watching TV I find myself suffering from "writer's guilt." What that means that I find myself saying "What am I watching this for? I should be writing. Instead of watching TV I should be writing a story, or following an idea that could become a TV show (or movie, or whatever)."

Have you seen HBO's True Detective? It's good. It's scary good. Not that it's scary. I just haven't seen anything this compelling to watch in a long time. There are a lot of reasons to watch it. The story is thick, and layered. All the characters are good. None of them are throw aways, or fillers. Woody Harrelson is really good, but he's really good in just about anything. I mean, who would have thought the guy playing Woody Boyd - a replacement character when the guy playing Coach died on Cheers - would turn out to be one of the BEST actors of our generation. I cannot think of a thing he's been bad in.

But this is about Matthew McConaughey, who has not been good in everything he's done. He was really good in A Time To Kill as an "Atticus Finchey" Jake Tyler Brigance, but that was 20 years ago. I thought that U-571 was pretty good, but he was just OK in it. The best part of Failure To Launch was Terry Bradshaw. The rest of the movie sucked. We Are Marshall was OK. Since A Time To Kill Matthew McConaughey has been, in my opinion, girl candy in movies.

Now I'm wrong. The past year Matthew McConaughey has been off the charts good. I didn't see Magic Mike, but reviews loved him in it. I'll trust the reviews, and will not be seeing Magic Mike. His part in The Wolf Of Wall Street kicks ass. What a sleazy douche. He just won the Best Actor Oscar for his portrayal of Ron Woodruff in Dallas Buyers Club. The reason I'm writing this piece is Detective Rust Cohl in HBO's True Detective. Every scene he's in is can't miss watching. He's part enigma, part shaman, part cynic, part witch doctor, and part tough guy cop. And you just want to see He owns every scene, EVERY scene. He's taking scenes from Woody Harrelson. Remember I just got done telling you a few paragraphs back he's a great actor.

So here's to Matthew McConaughey kicking ass, and showing everyone how talented, and good he really is.

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