Smartasses of the world unite!!

Generally a smartass and believer in the Twainism that Against the assualt of laughter, nothing can stand. Mission: mock bigotry, narcisism, and ignorance. This is a collection of thoughts on baseball, politics, economics, and occasional other things.

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Friday, April 25, 2014

Cliven Bundy is a free-loading douche-canoe who also says ignorant bigoted bullshit - just sayin

Cliven Bundy is the Nevada rancher who - as of this writing - is the latest "regular fella standin' up ta Fed'rul gov'mint tyranny" media superstar of the Tea-baggers nimrods. Too strong? I apologize. No, wait. I don't

Here's the back story. For 20 years Mr Bundy, who is a millionaire cattle rancher in Nevada, has grazed his cattle on federal lands without paying grazing fees. He doesn't "recognize" the Federal government, and "complies with the laws of the state of Nevada. That's funny, because Nevada law recognizes the Federal Government. It also recognizes that the Feds own the land the Freeloader Bundy has been grazing his cattle on. Nevada has a LOT of public land managed by the Federal Bureau of Land Management. Everyone pays their taxes, and taxes are allocated to BLM to maintain the land. Ranchers graze cattle there, and they all pay grazing fees - except for Captain freeloader Bundy. I'm sorry, but the name Bundy brings to mind Al Bundy, the patriarch of the Married With Children family, but at least Al didn't freeload. But I digress. So after 20 years of: not paying to graze his cattle on land we all pay to maintain, losing in Nevada courts, and Federal courts, the Feds went in and seized his cattle that were on Federal lands.

Apparently this is tyranny, because tea-turds (I'm sorry, is that disrespectful? You're right, I'm not sorry) came-a runnin' ready to do some fightin' agin' tyranny - because dammit!!! If you can't graze your cattle on the public dime we might as well be Russia. So dammit - FREEDOM!! Let's set up snipers, and make the Feds give ol' Clive back his freedom cattle. They were also savvy enough to put women on the front line as human shields so when the news covered the stand off it'd look real bad with the ladies getting shot first. Freedom ain't free Missy - git on up there! So stand off right? Well cooler heads prevailed, which means that the Feds backed down because shooting over cattle is so 19th century. Tea-turds claim victory - yee hah!! Freedom y'all!!!

But Clive won't shut up. That's the problem with pyromaniacs, once they have the lighter there's no giving it back. Now Clive's an expert on social policy, and slavery. Yeah, according to ol' Cliven it was better for blacks under slavery because they all had a house, and food. I'm not even going to go further. Here's the deal; no matter what your situation is now in life, being a slave would be worse. Any suggestion to the contrary is plain stupid. No, it's beyond stupid. It's stupid to the power of stupid.

Cliven Bundy is a white rancher who needs to shut the fuck up about anything other than ranching, and pay his grazing fees. For those who say it'll make beef more expensive - you're saying more stupid stuff. Cattle are auctioned, and that price determines the price we pay at the grocer. Clive's freeloaded beef costs the same as non-freeloaded beef. He's just getting free grazing that you and I pay for. He's a free-loading dick, not a hero.

1 comment:

  1. And his tea party missies are still claiming the 'his land', and 'ancestral rights'. Meanwhile, Native Americans, whose 'ancestral rights' far predates any he claims, and have treaty rights to graze much smaller herds, are having theirs taken, sold at auction, and being billed for grazing fees, despite the Ruby Valley treaty. "We took that land from them fair an' square, now da gubbmit trying to take it from me!" Then the racist remarks, and all the morons claiming it was 'taken out of context'? Really? What context can you put those remarks in that would make what he said even remotely positive? But, if you're a white, god-fearin' 'merican, everything is yours, and everyone else is a freeloader.
