Smartasses of the world unite!!

Generally a smartass and believer in the Twainism that Against the assualt of laughter, nothing can stand. Mission: mock bigotry, narcisism, and ignorance. This is a collection of thoughts on baseball, politics, economics, and occasional other things.

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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Reaping the whirlwind

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is battling sexual misconduct allegations. 
Jim Bourg/Reuters

"He who sows the wind, shall reap the whirlwind" Hosea 8-7

Judge Kavanaugh referred to that verse during his hearing today. It was in regard to the state of politics, and the personal attacks he perceived on his character as he was called to answer for accusations of sexual assault made against him when he was a teenager.

Judge Kavanaugh is a dedicated Republican. He has been for quite some time. He worked for Ken Starr, when the latter was Special Prosecutor investigating President Clinton. While on the Starr team Kavanaugh pushed the team to investigate the Vince Foster suicide fueling conspiracy theory that he was offed by the Clintons.

Judge Kavanaugh also supported more aggressive lines of questioning in the Lewinsky affair. He felt in appropriate to force President Clinton, and 20something intern Lewinsky answer invasive questions regarding their inappropriate affair because a sexual realtionship was relevant - then.

Full disclosure, I don't think he should be on the SCOTUS. He has not had his record in Bush Admin fully disclosed, he has dodged questions on executive authority, whether a President can pardon himself, his views on established law, and respect for precedent. This accusation of full on shittiness as a teenager. Seems unfair on the surface considering the timing of it all. But seriously, fuck it, fuck the Senate GOP, and fuck Judge Kavanaugh. Merrick Garland did not get a hearing for 200+ days. Kavanaugh may yet be confirmed. GOP has the votes as majority, and it's hard to say if Senators Murkowski, Collins, or Flake may defect. Likewise there on blue dog Dems like Manchin who may vote to confirm.

It's kind of ironic that a shit peddling little fuck that 20 years dragged us through hit conspiracies, Oval office ejaculations, and vagina cigars now gets questions about his past as a drunken spoiled little preppy grinding, and groping girls who didn't want it.

Judge Kavanaugh, your citation of Hosea is correct, but the Democrats are not sowing the wind. You, Judge, are reaping the whirlwind.

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