Smartasses of the world unite!!

Generally a smartass and believer in the Twainism that Against the assualt of laughter, nothing can stand. Mission: mock bigotry, narcisism, and ignorance. This is a collection of thoughts on baseball, politics, economics, and occasional other things.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

"If 'insert name' were alive today....."

This is the most, bar none, overused bucket of stupid there is. There's nothing so over the top ridiculous as citing a past figure as so totally on your side, and they'd say so if not for them being fucking dead. I'm sorry, dead icons are not your personal yes man.

It can be the comical; Sirhan Sirhan stating with certitude that Bobby Kennedy would be in favor of his parole. Well shit, If he only he knew Bobby would be on his side in a parole hearing, maybe he wouldn't have put a bullet in the guys fucking skull. Son of a bitch, I guess they're right; hindsight IS 20/20!

This one takes the cake though. No shit, National Gun Appreciation Day organizer Larry Ward actually said:

WHAT!??!?! - the obvious bucket overflowing with fucking stupid here is that slaves didn't have any rights under the law, and didn't have the right to do anything, let alone keep and bear arms - that's what SLAVERY means!! 

But shit, isn't that a kick in the dick; The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, an American icon of civil liberties, and equal rights would be, if not for the whole "being fucking dead thing" on your side if not for some cracker ex-con getting a gun and killing him. Sonuvva bitch!!!! If only there was a law that could keep, like, an ex-con with a history of violent crime from easily getting a gun. Like, maybe you could check his background, criminal history, and prevent sellers from selling him a gun? Y'know, whether he went to a gun shop, gun show, catalog, internet (yes gun-tards I know there was no internet in James Earl Rays day) or from one of his cracker buddies, it'd be tougher? That would be a good idea. Maybe really stiff penalties for a gun shop selling this guy a gun? Really stiff penalties for some cracker getting his cracker-buddy, who'd never pass a check, a gun. 

I know, I know, criminals don't obey the law that's why they're criminals. Well, drunk drivers don't follow the law either - so fuck it, let's just let people drive drunk right? That's such a bullshit argument. If your restaurant, or bar serves someone negligently, and they cause a death while driving drunk - you're on the hook jack. If someone sells a gun without a background check - put them on the fucking hook if something happens. If someone does a straw purchase (buys for someone else to bypass a background check on the real buyer) and those guns are put to ill use - put them on the fucking hook. We can at least hold gun sellers to the same standard as a goddamn bartender. THAT is not infringing on anybody's 2nd Amendment rights.

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